The Kairos Initiative

A Collaborative Initiative between the NYPD & Kairos Physical Therapy

  • NYPD police officers, like others in the workforce, are exposed to on-the-job and non-employment related stress, trauma, fatigue, and burnout. When unaddressed, the critical decisions an NYPD police officer makes can be influenced by such conditions. As we know, these are significant factors that affect behavior and decision making.

    As the demands of a police officer within the NYPD are higher than ever, officer health and wellness is becoming a topic of specific interest to myself, as well as my business partners at RFX Strength & Lucas's Fitness Lab.

    To compliment the newly renovated fitness facilities at all of the NYPD Precincts, Kairos Physio would like to propose a service that aligns with what the former Commissioner once said.

    “Your job requires that you spend your day helping others. But before you can take care of anyone else, you must first take care of yourself.”

    - Former NYPD Commissioner O'Neill

  • The projected life expectancy of a police officer retiring at the age of 50 is 7.8 years. In contrast, the average adult retiring at that age is expected to live 3-4 times longer. Many of these factors are due to physical lifestyle habits, which are modifiable. The goal of the Kairos Initiative is to promote improved Officer Health and Quality of Life through Movement Based Solutions. Our team, led by Doctors of Physical Therapy, aim to curate a program with officer driven outcomes.

  • The Kairos Initiative is a 3 Step Initiative that focuses on improving officer quality of life via physical activity participation, stress management strategies & general health screenings.

    1. Live Workshops/Seminars

    2. Online Health Education Platform

    3. Smartphone-App Integrated Fitness Platform


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